Still Room for More Paralegals, Says NALP

NALPLaw students have been urged to consider a career as a paralegal in the wake of a campaign to warn them to think twice when considering qualifying as a solicitor.

The paralegal profession is still growing despite the recession, providing job opportunities for graduates, Amanda Hamilton, the chief executive of The National Association of Licensed Paralegals, said “Students can qualify as a paralegal. There is still room for them in the jobs market. They do not need a training contract and it costs them less money.”

Her advice follows the launch of the Law Society’s campaign to warn of the risks in terms of time and cost that the decision to become a solicitor carries with it.

Last year, more than 1,000 people who completed the Legal Practice Course did not get a training contract, according to the society. “Working closely with the junior lawyers division, the society is looking to inform and educate those considering a career as a solicitor to think long and hard about the commitment it requires to succeed,” a Law Society spokesman said. “This is about responsible management of entry to the profession. The society and the profession have long been working hard to create a level playing field for those who are genuinely talented and meritorious in order to overcome the barrier of financial disadvantage.”

You can view The National Association of Licensed Paralegals' website at