Professional Development

Boundary Setting With Your Boss

The role of an Assistant requires the ability to establish close-knit relationships and a level of trust that only comes from years of close and consistent social interaction with those you support.

Setting boundaries with anyone in life can be difficult. Pushing back and saying no in your career can be tough, especially when you’re fond of the person you’re working with. However, as important as it is to establish a strong connection with your boss, it is equally as important to create and maintain clear boundaries. What if they’re a workaholic, have back-to-back meetings, send emails 24/7 and expect you to be on the same wavelength as them, all on less than a third of their salary?

Free Online Courses and Resources for Legal Professionals

Despite some career progression barriers caused by the coronavirus outbreak, TotallyLegal remains as passionate and determined as ever to encourage the professional development of its audience.

It has created this list with the aim of helping you to make the most of the coming weeks and months at home. Here are some of the best free online courses and resources for legal professionals. Ranging from enhancing your soft skills and increasing your typing speed to brushing up on your knowledge of GDPR, these free online courses provide huge variety in terms of learning and development opportunities.

Using Your Extra Time To Boost Your Career

Due to the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic, the role of office support professionals has changed dramatically, with the office crucially now removed from the equation.

Working from home is a challenging prospect for EAs, PAs and office professionals alike, but remote work can open doors that previously may have been shut. One of the most profound benefits of working from home is the extra time you have on your hands. Remove the commute from the equation, and you’re left with time – both in the morning and the evening – which you can use to focus on yourself.

Building Credibility as an Assistant

Credibility, the quality of being trusted and believed in. One of the most valuable and buildable assets that all Assistants must treat as pivotal to their professional success.

While it is essential to embark on your own journey of continuous professional development, it is important to remember one thing; credibility cannot be learnt in a classroom or over night. Credibility in the workplace is an essential professional asset developed and utilised by the most successful people in the office. Combining a strong set of hard skills with a robust set of soft skills, your level of credibility ultimately defines you as either simply proficient or as a bona fide A-game Assistant. 

Staying Productive and Healthy When Working from Home

ILSPA has put together some guidance to help you adapt to the current situation you might be in. If you are working from home, you will find some suggestions on how to work effectively during this time.

Staying Productive

As this may be the first time that you have had to schedule your working day from home, start with getting ready for the day like you would if you were going into the office. Set a morning routine of getting dressed, making your breakfast at a set time and doing whatever else you need to do to be ready for the day ahead.

Building Confidence in the Workplace

Confidence in the workplace is a combination of what you know, what you’re willing to learn, and your own internal belief. Focus on developing yourself in all three areas and you will be well on your way to feeling and acting as the confident and dependable professional you know you are. Do it correctly and it can lead to promotions, salary increases, access to new projects, and a better work/life balance.

So how do you do you build your confidence in the workplace? Take a look at our six tips to get you on the right track.


Performing Legal Research

This month, we will consider how you can go about conducting your own legal research and the approach taken by some lawyers for this common legal task.

Where to research the law

There are two main categories of materials you can consider when researching a legal question:

1. Primary sources of the law

2. Secondary sources

What Are Case Management Systems?

Legal case management systems (CMS) are software programs that are designed to help lawyers and law firms manage their cases. They provide the firm with one central location to store and track all client data. This includes things such as contact information, case notes and documents, appointment scheduling and history, client communications, and billing.

If you are a Legal Secretary working in a law firm, you may find a large part of your work is associated with one of these programs. Programs will differ from firm to firm depending on the company’s specific needs, so rarely are two programs exactly the same, although there will be similarities.

New Year, New Skills

The start of a new year is the perfect time to think about the skills you would like to acquire to advance your career. It provides you with a fresh start, which can give you clarity about what you want to achieve. Whether you are new to the profession or you have been working as a Legal Secretary for many years, there are always skills you can develop to improve the quality of your work.

In line with our article on continuing professional development, we have produced a list of five skills that you could consider honing this year:

The Importance of Continuing Professional Development

2020 has arrived and it’s a great time to have a think about the ways in which you can develop yourself professionally this year. The new year offers a clean slate where you can see things clearly and focus on improving your professional working life.

In order to be a competent and efficient Legal Secretary, you need to have impeccable skills. There are many different areas which you could consider improving, including your secretarial, legal or IT skills. Our New Year, New Skills article can give you some guidance with this. Whether you are new to the profession or you are an experienced Legal Secretary, there are always ways in which you can improve to be better at your job.