How to Include Bullet Points in Your CV

What is a CV? CV is short for curriculum vitae, which is a Latin term meaning course of (one’s) life; it is a summary of a person’s career, education and qualifications in written form. A CV is also referred to as a résumé (French word) at times, but there is a difference. Résumés are usually single-page summaries of your work experience and background information, whereas a CV is usually longer and more comprehensive.

CVs include all the past experiences of a professional worker along with information about the educational background of the person. A CV is what anyone presents when showing up for a job interview; however, résumés are also accepted. Now we return to the question at hand, and that is whether bullet points in a CV can help it look better and more presentable.

Take our word for it, including bullet points in your CV is a great way to make it stand out from the crowd. Bullet points help to highlight your skills and experience, and they are easy to read. In this blog post, we will discuss the best way to include points in a listed form in your CV.

Now that we have a baseline understanding of what a CV is and the importance of adding bullet points to it to make it look better, let’s dive right in and talk about how you can make the best use of them!

Adding bullet points in your legal CV

When writing a CV, you need to pay close attention to how you can incorporate as much relevant information as possible while keeping things simple to read and navigate. No one is waiting to read paragraph-long descriptions of your work, rather a quick and simple introduction does the trick; this is one of the major reasons why bullet points come in handy when making your CV.

Making your legal CV stand out

While it is important to make your CV look presentable, it is also crucial that the content of it sets you apart from the rest. After all, there are many people with similar qualifications and skills competing for the same job as you.

That is where listed points in a stylised format can help you by easily highlighting your key strengths and achievements. Employers have to go through a lot of CVs in a day when hiring someone for a position, so finding one that is easy to scan and read is going to play in your favour.

When can you use bullet points in your legal CV?

Now that we know how helpful bullet points can be, it is important to understand when you should use them in your CV. You want to make sure that you are using bullet points for the right reasons and not just adding them for the sake of it. Use bullet points when you are making a chronological or combination CV.

A chronological CV is the most popular and traditional form of CV. All the information is presented in reverse chronological order from your most recent achievements and experiences to your last. A combination CV is a blend of a chronological and skills-based/functional CV. It has a chronological order and a section on your key skills, which can also be in bullet point form.

Here are some instances where you can use bullet points in your CV:

  • When listing your work experience
  • When explaining your roles and responsibilities
  • When detailing your skills and qualifications
  • When describing your educational background

These are only a few examples of when you can use bullet points in your CV. It is always best to keep things simple and concise. Too many bullet points can make your CV look cluttered and difficult to read. Just remember to focus on quality over quantity.

How can you use bullet points in your legal CV?

Now that we have gone over when you can use bullet points in your CV, let‘s discuss how you can use them. When using bullet points in your CV, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Use short and simple sentences
  • Focus on one thing at a time
  • Make sure the information is relevant
  • Use action words, for example, achieved, initiated, developed and managed

Under the description of every job you did, make sure to include a few bullet points explaining your key responsibilities and duties. For example, if you are applying for a job as a Marketing Assistant, you can include bullet points such as:

  • Assisted in the planning and execution of marketing campaigns
  • Researched and wrote content for the company blog
  • Created social media posts to promote products and events

Just remember to keep things simple, relevant and action oriented.

Be brief and specific

When it comes to writing your CV, you want to be as brief and specific as possible; this is where bullet points come in handy again. You can use bullet points to quickly list your key responsibilities, duties, skills and qualifications without going into too much detail.

It also gives the reader all the more reason to give your CV a proper look, as the information appears short, to the point and easy to understand.

Here are a few examples:

Collaborated with team members to develop effective marketing strategies

  • Conducted market research and analysis to identify trends and opportunities
  • Planned and executed promotional campaigns across various channels
  • Created compelling content for website, blog and social media platforms

As you can see, bullet points help you communicate a lot of information in a concise and easy-to-read manner. So if you’re wondering how to make your CV stand out, start by using bullets!

We want you to harness the power of bullet points in a CV and put it to good use. Take advantage of this opportunity and make your CV look special! We understand how important that job is for you. We want you to have your best chance at it.

If you made it to the end of this blog post, we believe you are more than ready to start using bullet points in your CV!

For further information, and to answer some queries, kindly see the frequently asked questions related to the topic:

Frequently asked questions:

  • How many bullet points should I use in my CV?

Make use of bullet points in a manner that doesn’t look overcrowded but also communicates your key responsibilities, duties, skills and qualifications without going into too much detail. Remember to focus on quality over quantity.

  • Can I use bullet points in my cover letter?

Yes, you can! Using bullet points in your cover letter can help highlight your key skills and qualifications. Just make sure to keep things brief and specific. Having everything you need to know in front of you in an easy-to-understand bullet point form is a great way to get your point across.

  • Is it okay to use more than one font in my CV?

While there is no hard-and-fast rule about this, we generally recommend sticking to one font type throughout your CV. This helps create a sense of cohesion and makes your CV more visually appealing. If you do choose to use multiple fonts, make sure they complement each other well.

  • Do I need to include my hobbies and interests in my CV?

This is entirely up to you! If you feel like your hobbies and interests can add value to your application, then, by all means, include them. However, if you’re not sure they would be relevant, it’s probably best to leave them out. Better safe than sorry!

  • How long should a bullet point be in a CV?

Again, there is no hard-and-fast rule about this. Just make sure your bullet points are concise and specific. Try to avoid going into too much detail, as this can overwhelm the reader. Keep things simple, relevant and action oriented.

Article contributed by Simply Law