What it is like to be a Legal Assistant at TLT LLP

Introducing, Dr Avi Bhangal

I am a legal assistant working at TLT LLP, a UK law firm headquartered in Bristol which was named Law Firm of the Year at The Lawyer Awards 2021. Prior to this role I had completed my LLB/LPC/LLM/PhD at the University of Huddersfield, in West Yorkshire.

Whilst studying I had the opportunity to take part in many legal roles including a mini pupillage. 

Working at TLT LLP

In September I started work with TLT LLP working in the Financial Service Disputes and Investigations department. As this was during Covid-19, I was remote working but treated it as a normal working day with normal working hours. 

My day overview

8:45am – I would log on and check my emails with a mug of coffee beside me helping me to create a list of tasks needed to be completed that day, catering for any meetings or training in between.

9:15am – I would start working through my task list, making notes or researching along the way. As the legal world is forever changing, keeping up to date with the latest updates is crucially important.

11.15am – I would take a mid-morning break to refresh and take my eyes away from the screen. This is vitally significant to reset the brain in order to continue efficiently, as we know that if one word or tick in a box is missed - this could change the whole meaning of the document. Also, taking a break gives time to converse with other colleagues to check in on their day and even check the notice board to see if any office events are taking place. I usually like to make time to listen to any guest speakers that may pop up.

11.30am – Refreshed and re-energised I would then continue with my tasks.

1pm – Remote working has made me think about interesting lunch choices as I am not in the city to enjoy different experiences, so I have brought them to home. This makes the lunch hour fun. Alternatively, this lunch hour is also a good time to get some fresh air whether it be sun, rain, hail or fog. I find that having a change of scenery makes my return to the desk a very productive one.

2pm – Back to the grind for more fun and games. Usually when I am working, I keep a notebook beside me and write down anything new I learn whether it be an unfamiliar word or a stylistic way of working. This helps me work on my self-development.

3.30pm – 15 min break, usually with a Kit-Kat!

3.30 – 5pm - I carry on working on my afternoon tasks until the end of the working day. At the end of the day I will record time for the day, as I find it easier to record this in one go than after each individual task. I will also make a list of what I need to do for the next day and consult this in the morning in case anything has changed. I will clear my desk and look forward to what the next working day brings.

Interview from Simply Law