Study Methods – Audible Learners

Last month we looked at the best ways for visual learners to study and process information. We learnt that people who are visual learners often respond to things such as colours, pictures, diagrams and other visual information. This month we are going to be taking a closer look at the second type of learner, the audible learner.

As the name suggests, audible learners learn best by listening. This type of learner normally has an incredible memory that works best when information is portrayed as sound, whether this is spoken word or music. In stark contrast to visual learners, diagrams, pictures and colourful notes, though looking lovely, will not really help an audible learner retain information. Instead they need their own methods and strategies to make the most of their studies. In this article we have provided some useful tips for audible learners.

1.     Talk to Yourself

As an audible learner you will probably instinctively read things out loud to yourself to help your brain process the information. This is a fantastic and practical way of using your memory to the best of its ability. Describing something like a diagram or expanding on topics you are reading about out loud will increase your understanding and help you make associations between facts. You could even turn facts into rhythms or little songs that you can recite to yourself to make them more memorable. Verbal brainstorms are also brilliant tools for you. Simply pick a topic and then say as much as you can remember about that particular thing. The facts you remember will be further cemented in your memory and the brainstorm will highlight any areas needing further attention. 

2.       Record Yourself

As we have said, this particular type of learner processes information most effectively by listening. Therefore, recording yourself so that you can play information back is a brilliant tool to help you absorb the topic you are studying. Repetition is definitely your friend as an audible learner, so having your notes as recordings will allow you to play them multiple times. It will also help you fit your studies into your schedule as you can listen whenever you have a few moments or while doing other tasks.

3.     Pick the Right Study Environment

If you are studying by yourself make sure you pick a quiet area away from people, TV and other audible distractions. Remember also that you may need to be vocal to study effectively, so it may be a good idea to choose a place where you are not going to bother anyone. Attending a study group can be very beneficial for audible learners as this gives the opportunity to talk about the course material and listen to others.

4.     Ask Questions

Finally, remember that you can always ask questions. Whether you are studying by distance learning or through a class, you have the opportunity to speak to your tutor or the ILSPA team. If you are unsure about something that you read or that has been mentioned previously, speak up and clarify things as soon as possible. This will fortify the correct information in your mind and make it easier to remember later.

ILSPA’s Legal Secretaries Diploma provides all the course material our Students need online and in printable PDF documents. If you are an audible learner, we would recommend adjusting your study habits to incorporate more audible friendly practices.