ILSPA, Here I Come!

ILSPA here I come!I wish to start by commending The Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs for setting up this high professional standard. The course is expertly structured and the materials intelligently written to encourage practical knowledge acquisition. Unlike normal text books, one cannot excel in this course without a painstaking and thorough study of the comprehensive pack, stemming from the way it is deliberately and/or consciously structured, a strategy I strongly believe was aimed at giving the Legal Secretary and PA quality training worth its weight in gold. The course is obviously tasking but very interesting. I said tasking because the achievement test sessions are technically prepared and one just has to unavoidably read each unit over and over again to get there. Patience! Patience! Patience it has taught me.

The benefits I derived from this course within the last four months of intensive study and which shall indelibly remain in me as I move up the ladder is the complete transformation of my style of studying and legal exposition. No matter how rudimentary, knowledge of law helps one handle many legal issues/problems and only employ the service of a lawyer when necessary. A sound knowledge of law increases one’s knowledge of political affairs. It helps one communicate effectively and intelligently during legal consultation and when briefing arises. A knowledge of law helps to promote one’s level of accuracy of expression, facility for argument and skilful interpretation of the written words. It helps in our understanding of social values, to protect our legal and constitutional rights, what and how to legally acquire properties, to avoid penalties and sanctions attached to various actions, to avoid needless litigations and to generally function as good citizens.

I am eternally grateful to God for opening this window to greater heights! I am proud to be a member of this noble institute.

here I come 2Whilst looking forward to hearing from you, words will fail be to succinctly express my feeling of achievement. I think it suffices to just say, I am happy I took the bold step and to my noble ILSPA, here I come!

Efoli Ekot, Student Member