Study Methods - Visual Learners

People learn in different ways. So, if people learn in different ways, then it is only logical that they should study in different ways. When you are studying, you may prefer to read out loud, rewrite text or even act something out to commit it to memory. You may like lists, colours or Post-its around the house. Your preferred study method gives a good indication of what sort of learner you are. Once you know this, you can establish which practices will help you and which are not really going to work. You can read more about the different types of learners here. In this article, we will be focusing on visual learners – people who need to see new information in order to truly learn it.

People who are visual learners often respond to things like colour, tone, brightness, contrast and other visual information. Some even have photographic memories in various degrees and can not only visualise information after reading it or seeing it but can also re-create it.

Since sight is key, visual learners need materials in front of them to help them fully commit the information to memory. Our Legal Secretaries Diploma Course provides students with all their course material in written documents, with pictures and diagrams. It is therefore a fantastic resource for a visual learner. However, the resources you have to use are just one part of studying. Here are some fantastic tips on methods and activities for studying when you’re a visual learner.    

Colour Code

Assign colours to common themes in your notes, course material and handouts. For example, if you are studying Conveyancing, use a different colour for different stages of the transaction.

Your brain remembers colour really well, so use it to your advantage!

Get Organised

Because you're so visual, untidy notes can be very confusing for you. Take some time to organise your notes and printouts. For example, put them in a binder with clear, neat tabs where each topic has its own colour.

Rewrite Your Notes

Summarise to keep things succinct and clear. Not only will you be looking at the ideas from the lecture again, which capitalises on your visual learning, but you can also add new information or edit as you move along. This will help you learn the material.

Study the Graphics

This is a fabulous study tip for those of you who can absorb new information with their eyes. Use the charts and diagrams in your course material to your advantage. It is much easier to learn the hierarchy of the courts from a diagram than from a list.

Draw Pictures or Figures

Even if you are not the most creative person, get out your pencil and draw pictures, figures and diagrams to accompany the information you are trying to learn. The phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" definitely applies to you. Help yourself out when the text doesn't and create your own visuals.

Draw Concept Maps

A concept map is a method of visual brainstorming, where you get all of the ideas from your head onto paper and draw connections where you see fit. You'll start with a central idea – "Family Law," for example. That will go in the centre of your sheet of paper. Then, from Family Law, you'll branch off into main categories. Add things like marriage, divorce, civil partnership, separation and so on. From each of those categories, you'll branch off further.