Study Advice for Distance Learners

person-woman-apple-hotel.jpgIf you are studying the Legal Secretaries Diploma course and are finding it difficult to motivate yourself or concentrate on your work, we would like to provide some guidance as to how to successfully complete it and gain your qualification.

The first step is to remind yourself of why you are studying the course and what it will mean to you once you are qualified. It is easy to forget our goals when we have busy lives but we must stay focused to achieve what we want.

Learning how to concentrate will greatly improve your chances of completing the course in a desired time-scale. The key is to eliminate distractions and focus on your studies. Sometimes, you may find that you are reading through your course material but you can not remember it, so it is important to concentrate on what you are doing and absorb the information as you are reading it. Try not to daydream, revise what you have just read and ask yourself questions. Choose a quiet environment to study in, where you will not be distracted by anything or anyone. Make it clear to others that the course is important to you and you are not to be disturbed unless it is an emergency. Eliminate anything which is draining your energy so that you feel alert and are able to concentrate.

Sticking to a routine and setting a time for study each week will help you to focus on your studies. The course can be completed in your own time which can lead to procrastination. So if you set aside, for example, a couple of hours on a Tuesday evening and a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon, you should finish the course within 3-4 months. A student recently completed the course in a month, so this shows how anything can be achieved if you put your mind to it. Have confidence in yourself and you will succeed.

Treat yourself if you have kept to your planned study schedule for the week. It is good to reward yourself for your accomplishments. You can buy some chocolates, take a visit to the hairdresser, have a facial, buy a new book or something to wear. The gifts are worthwhile as they make you feel relaxed and better about yourself and you are investing in your future.

Be positive about your studies by thinking about the goal you want to achieve and how it will benefit you in the future. You may be a secretary who has an interest in law and who would like to work in the legal field by becoming a legal secretary, or you may already be a legal secretary who is studying the course to gain more knowledge and work towards a possible promotion. Try and talk to your family, friends or your partner about what the course means to you. It is good to have support from others and it is useful to receive feedback from those around you.

It is essential to be aware of the help and support that is available to you if you need it. Studying can seem daunting at times, especially if you are having difficulties and you are not aware that help is at hand. The Institute can provide you with all the help you need. If you have any queries regarding the course, or if you are stuck on any part of the material, you may e-mail or telephone us and one of our members of staff, or a course tutor, will be happy to help you. We would like to suggest that e-mailing is the best way to contact us as it is easy to state your queries clearly and they will be dealt with within 24 hours.