Book Review - Conveyancing Forms and Procedures, 4th Edition

bookAnnette Goss, Lorraine Richardson and Michael Taylor.  Published by The Law Society.  ISBN-13: 978-1-85328-938-5.

This is an excellent book written by a District Land Registrar, a practicing Solicitor and an Assistant District Land Registrar, respectively.

It was specifically written to provide Legal Secretaries and support staff in Solicitor’s offices with practical information and guidance in the completion of conveyancing forms and other conveyancing documents, which it does clearly and concisely.  One of the authors, apart from being a practicing Solicitor, has a wealth of legal training experience, and this shows in the way in which the book takes each part of each form and document in turn and shows exactly how it should be completed.

Divided into six parts, it follows the usual sequence of a conveyancing transaction, i.e., Introduction, Pre-exchange, Pre-completion, Completion and Post-completion, followed by a useful glossary Appendix.

Especially useful is the CD that comes with the book, which contains the addresses of all Local Authorities and Land Registry offices, useful websites, sample HIP and copies of all the Land Registry Transaction Forms, amongst many other things.

Each form or document in the book is dealt with in a similar fashion.  For example, I opened the book randomly at ‘Application for an official search (K16) (‘bankruptcy only’)’. The form was dealt with under the following headings: why you search, when to make the search, the result, entries revealed, methods of application, form, how many copies, fee, file record, fax applications, telephone applications, Land Registry Direct, NLIS and guidelines for completing (this uses a copy of the application form with each box numbered, and each number explaining exactly what goes in the box).

I like the book very much, as it is very ‘user friendly’ and it is ideal as a companion for the Conveyancing Legal Secretary.  However, as with everything, there is a downside, and that is the cost.  At £59.95 it is an expensive item for the Legal Secretary’s pocket unless she or he can persuade their firm to pay for it!

The book can be obtained via