Thank You to the London Evening Class of May 2009

London Evening ClassMany thanks for the fantastic surprise on my birthday. The huge chocolate cake was a wonderful treat on the night. I also enjoyed reading my hand made “signed, sealed and delivered” birthday card.

It was a pleasure to teach such an enthusiastic and motivated group. The extra bonus is that you were all blessed with such a good sense of humour and curiosity, which will stand you in very good stead with your future careers. 

Best wishes

Seamus Ryan, Tutor

 London Evening Class

The following is a testimonial from Christine Gardner who was an excellent Student on the course.  She achieved fantastic results and received a Distinction for her Diploma.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the course and felt our tutor, Seamus Ryan, was absolutely brilliant (he must have been as we bought him in a birthday cake as it was his birthday on our last day!!). I was pleased I made the effort to attend the Royal Courts of Justice as it really helped me understand the procedures of the Courts.  Amanda was really enthusiastic and knowledgeable on the tour.

Christine Gardner, Surrey