Legal Secretaries Diploma in Guernsey

GTAThe nine Legal Secretaries pictured below were the first to pass the Legal Secretaries Diploma course run by advocates of the GTA University Centre in association with The Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs. The GTA worked closely with members of the local industry to deliver the course, which started in September 2007 and was tutored by Gavin Ferguson, Allan Skirrow and Philip Nicol-Gent, also pictured. Gavin is an advocate of Ozannes Advocates and Notaries Public Guernsey and practices as a trust lawyer, advising a wide range of professional trustees on all issues concerning trusts. Allan is an advocate of the Royal Court of Guernsey and currently appointed by Carey Olsen as part of their corporate group. Allan has acted on behalf of various developers and advised on many aspects of property acquisition. Philip is an advocate of the Royal Court of Guernsey and currently appointed to the Law Offices of the Crown with responsibility for undertaking civil litigation on behalf of the States of Guernsey and advising the States on all aspects of civil and public law, including disputes, appeals, judicial review and child care.

Professor Richard Conder, Chief Executive of the GTA, said:

‘This course was delivered in partnership with the local legal industry, and I am hugely grateful to Gavin, Allan and Philip for the time and commitment they gave us on this. We are always striving to meet the training needs of the island’s economy and the Legal Secretaries Diploma is an example of the results that can be achieved. I would like to congratulate all nine delegates for their achievement’.

The Institute is delighted that the course has been successful and that the Students were all from local law firms. We look forward to receiving the results from this year’s class, which has 14 delegates. Good luck to you all!

Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs

Front row, left to right: Nikki Greening (Ozannes), Louise Martin (Carey Olsen), Julie Twist (Ozannes), Sue Deronchene (Ozannes), Lisa White (Ozannes), Rachel McLoughlin (Babbe), Sarah Hulme (Babbe), Dianne Le Gallez (Babbe), Liliana Abreu (Babbe). Back row, left to right: Kate Lenfesty (GTA), Alan Skirrow (Carey Olsen), Philip Nicol-Gent (Law Offices), Gavin Ferguson (Ozannes), Alison Hawkins (GTA).