Confident Body Language

Confident body postureMany of us are sometimes unaware of our body language, especially at times when we are under stress. Body language has a large part to play in situations where we want to feel confident and to come over as such to others. So, it can be helpful to spend a little time being curious about our own tendencies and what messages we may be giving out. Sometimes the messages can be quite the reverse of what we want to convey in a particular situation.

It is widely accepted that 93% of communication is non verbal. So, our body language is a really important part of how we come over to others. The actual words we use are important, of course, but unless the other non verbal messages we are giving are consistent with the words, the words simply won’t register as we intend.

The main non verbal indicators for confidence are:

Attending Court as a Legal Secretary

Attending Court as a Legal SecretaryAttending court as a Legal Secretary must easily rank as one of the most rewarding and exciting aspects of the career. This is where the Legal Secretary will really start to feel that they are an integral part of the legal system, as a whole, and will gain a full appreciation of how the court system works and the wheels of justice turn within our country

In a previous role of employment, I have represented my own clients in court hearings and can therefore really empathise with what you could expect to gain from attending court as a legal secretary yourself. Physically leaving your law firm for a while, to undertake this nature of work, is highly motivating and interesting and a side to the role of a legal secretary that surpasses all others.

Working in Criminal Law

Working in Criminal LawThere are very few jobs that are as interesting and varied as working in criminal law. Whether this is by way of working as a Legal Secretary who specialises in this area of law or as a defending Solicitor or through The Crown Prosecution Service, there are many avenues allowing one to follow criminal law as a career path. If you have never studied law before or have but wish to pursue this branch of the legal system more intently, this article may well be for you.

Useful Windows 7 Tips and Tricks

View Expanded “Send To” Menu

Sometimes you may want to quickly move a folder or file to another folder on your computer, network or even a mail recipient. One of the fastest ways of doing this is right-clicking the file/folder and choosing “Send To”.

You can get an expanded “Send To” menu by holding “Shift” and right-clicking on the file or folder. This will give you even more destinations for your document/folder.

Add Any Folder to Favourites

The Supreme Court of Justice

Supreme CourtIn this article we are considering the Supreme Court formed just over a year ago. Having studied on the Diploma course, you will have already identified yourself to prospective employers as someone with a serious interest in the law. Being aware of current developments in the law and legal practice marks you as someone who has a continuing interest in developing his or her knowledge.

The Recent Conflicts With the European Convention on Human Rights

European Convention on Human RightsEver since the United Kingdom ratified the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), as far back as 1950, for the most part it has seemed that this international law has been working very well for us. Indeed, the Human Rights Act 1998 was seen as an overdue, final acceptance of the laws contained within the convention. The previous Labour Government were determined to leave some kind of legacy for their period of administration, and this Act of Parliament is probably the most remembered.

Personal Branding

Personal BrandingBranding, according to Scott Bedbury, is the sum total of everything a company does, including the good, the bad and even the off strategy, that creates a context or an identity in a consumer’s mind. Personal branding is therefore the creation of an asset that pertains to a particular person or individual, including but not limited to the body, clothing, appearance and knowledge contained within, leading to an indelible impression that is uniquely distinguishable. This ultimately means that a brand is not a product but a promise and mark of trust

Gaining Respect at Work

Gain Respect at WorkSome office environments are not for the faint of heart, where it can be hard not to feel self-conscious or awkward, even if you are a confident person in your personal life. However, it is not as difficult as it may seem to get the confidence you need to have successful relationships at work. Here are some tips to help you gain respect from your colleagues:

Be prepared – The Scout motto “Be prepared” holds true for everyone. Simply by being organised you will feel like you can tackle any situation. Keep an event planner or organiser and make use of your company’s calendar software. Do your homework before any meetings to make sure you know whom you are talking to and what you are talking about.

Encouraging Course Advice for Students

Encouraging Course AdviceWhether you are studying the Legal Secretaries Diploma course by evening class or distance learning, we would like to encourage you to complete your studies. The Legal Secretaries Diploma is an excellent qualification and will help you to secure employment as a Legal Secretary or advance your existing career.

The beauty of our course is that there is no time limit to complete it. However, it is best to try to work through the course material at a constant and steady pace so that procrastination does not occur. Remind yourself of why you are doing the course and what it will mean to you once you are qualified.

Dealing With Negative People

We spend more time at work than at home with our family or out with our friends. The relationships which we have at work (whether with clients or colleagues) and how we react to the people involved make a significant contribution to our overall happiness and sense of well-being. Whilst some work relationships may build to become friendships outside work, friendship is not necessary for a successful work relationship.

So, what are the essential ingredients for successful work relationships? The main ones are: