The Evolving Role of Legal Secretaries

Evolving Role of a Legal SecretaryThe role of the Legal Secretary used to be seen as a humble position, and women were first employed in offices during the First World War when the men went off to fight.  It was then that people started to realise that women were capable of working efficiently and resourcefully within the secretarial role, and when the war finished, many women carried on in this line of work.  However, in those days it was rare for women to work until retirement, as they usually gave up their jobs to get married or have children.

As women started becoming more independent, their confidence within the workplace grew.  More women began to enter the legal profession working in various different roles, and becoming a Legal Secretary was seen as a good start to an interesting legal career.  Legal Secretaries were predominantly female for some time, but we are now seeing Legal Secretaries of both sexes and with different levels of experience and qualifications starting their careers in this field.

It was predicted that Legal Secretaries would be replaced by the advancement of technology, but this has not been the case.  Legal Secretaries have adapted to their environment and proved how successfully they can deal with changes.  The role of the Legal Secretary has actually become easier, with technology allowing them to achieve more within their organisations.  Computers and the Internet have made life easier, allowed Legal Secretaries to perform more managerial tasks and given them the opportunity to show a wide range of abilities. This has created more enthusiasm and job satisfaction.

Evolving Role of a Legal Secretary 2Legal Secretaries today are an integral part of the legal profession and are well respected for the important work that they do. They make a vital contribution to the smooth operation of their organisations and offer a variety of skills and abilities.  Research has shown that today’s Legal Secretaries are much more involved in organising events, training and preparing management information.  Part of this is due to the quality of the people entering the legal secretarial profession, who realise that it’s a career, not just a job.

Successful Legal Secretaries are aware that dedication and motivation are extremely important for a winning career, and these qualities can be found in people of all ages. Today, Legal Secretaries can enjoy a fulfilling career and work happily into retirement.

Many congratulations for being part of a well-respected profession that is constantly evolving and changing with the times.