Gaining Respect at Work

Gain Respect at WorkSome office environments are not for the faint of heart, where it can be hard not to feel self-conscious or awkward, even if you are a confident person in your personal life. However, it is not as difficult as it may seem to get the confidence you need to have successful relationships at work. Here are some tips to help you gain respect from your colleagues:

Be prepared – The Scout motto “Be prepared” holds true for everyone. Simply by being organised you will feel like you can tackle any situation. Keep an event planner or organiser and make use of your company’s calendar software. Do your homework before any meetings to make sure you know whom you are talking to and what you are talking about.

Look smart – When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, your natural confidence shines through. Not to mention the fact that you will look a lot more professional. Keeping a professional look while you are at work will go a long way towards building people’s confidence in you.

Communicate professionally – When you talk to your colleagues, talk as clearly and calmly as possible. If you listen to a lot of successful business people, they always communicate their ideas confidently and elegantly. Try not to mumble or use negative wording. The same goes for communicating via email and letters. Write full sentences using proper English grammar. Never use text message or Facebook styles of abbreviated words in your business communication. While it may be easier to talk to your friends this way, you will certainly not gain your employer’s or colleagues’ respect with this sort of writing style.

Be comfortable with yourself – Have you ever spoken to a colleague who seems uncomfortable and awkward? Don’t be this person. Be comfortable with yourself and others will be comfortable with you. Brush away any paranoia or worries you may have and deal with the issue at hand as best as you can.

Be honest – Always tell it like it is and don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind. Make sure you are tactful and don’t exaggerate or sugar-coat the truth. Don’t make excuses either. Honesty is always the best policy and will always gain the respect of others.