Why I Want to Become a Legal Secretary

I think it is of value to play the part, step up, join in, think, act, move forward, plant the seeds and grow!

Last August I left my job at the Met Office, Exeter, as Executive Assistant to the Chief Scientist and wondered what I could do next. I am a single mum with a lovely teenage girl. I thought perhaps it would be exciting to do something quite different, and I thought that the Legal Secretary Qualification would offer me a ‘bolt on’ to my business and administrative skills. Last year, I had the opportunity to study for and gain the PRINCE2 Project Management Qualification.

I have finished Unit 1 of the Legal Secretaries Diploma course, which I found very interesting, and just started Unit 2, which is quite challenging. I study at home and at my local library. I am intrigued to learn new topics within a completely new field of work. I am excited to see what the future holds with my newfound knowledge and looking forward to the tour of the Royal Courts of Justice.

My friends and family have all been very encouraging and are interested to hear how the course is progressing.

It is certainly a challenge to work, run a home and encourage yourself to set goals and motivate yourself to learn new skills. I am looking forward to meeting new people and entering the world of the legal profession.

On the front of my study book I have written the words “If you want to make it work, you’ll do everything to make it happen.” Not terribly profound, but definitely true!

Louise Dennis – Student Member